


  • Racecadotril 175mg

Dosage form

  • Film Coated tablets

Therapeutic Indication

  • Complementary symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in adults, infants (older than 3 months) and in children together with oral rehydration and the usual support measures, when these measures alone are insufficient to control the clinical 

    condition, and when causal treatment is not possible.

    If causal treatment is possible, racecadotril can be administered as a complementary treatment

Dosage and route of administration

  • For adults only, One Tablet initially regardless of the time of day.Then,one tablet Morning and evening ,two tablets per day preferably before meals.

  • Treatment should be continued until two normal stools are recorded. Treatment should not exceed 7 days

    Patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency Caution is advised in patients with hepatic or renal impairment


  • Carton box containing (AL/Transparent PVDC) strips each of 10 tablets & inner leaflet