Maintenance of Healed Erosive Esophagitis and Relief of Heartburn Inhibitol is indicated in patients 12 years of age and older to maintain healing of EE and relief of heartburn for up to six months in adults and 16 weeks in patients 12 to 17 years of age
Treatment of Symptomatic Non-Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Inhibitol is indicated in patients 12 years of age and older for the treatment of heartburn associated with symptomatic non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for four weeks.
Symptomatic Non- Erosive GERD : One 30 mg capsule once daily. 4 weeks.
Administration with Water in an Oral Syringe
1-Open the capsule and empty the granules into a clean container with 20 mL of water.
2-Withdraw theentire mixture into a syringe.
3-Gently swirl the syringe in order to keep granules from settling.
4-Administer the mixture immediately into the mouth. Do not save the water and granule mixture for later use
5-Refill the syringe with 10 mL of water, swirl gently, and administer.
6-Refill the syringe again with 10 mL of water, swirl gently, and administer
Administration with Water via a NG Tube (≥16 French):
1-Open the capsule and empty the granules into a clean container with 20 mL of water.
2-Withdraw the entire mixture into a catheter-tip syringe.
3-Swirl the catheter- tip syringe gently in order to keep the granules from settling,and immediately inject the mixture through the NG tube into the stomach. Do not save the water and granule mixture for later use.
4-Refill the catheter-tip syringe with 10 mL of water, swirl gently, and flush the tube.
5-Refill the catheter-tip syringe again with10 mL of water, swirl gently, and administer.